Through the Building to Serve in Love campaign, we must raise $45,000,000.

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Building Faith and Family

Building to Serve in Love

Together we can ensure that Philadelphia’s elderly poor continue to be respectfully cared for today and for years to come. Your help is needed now more than ever as we embark on this journey to rebuild Holy Family Home. We sincerely hope we can count on you!

Credit Card Gifts

You can use your MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express cards to make your campaign gift. A credit card gift or pledge can be made online by clicking here.

Pledge Gift

A gift to Building to Serve in Love can be paid over a period of five years. A pledge can be made online by clicking here or by returning a pledge form. If possible, please include your first gift installment when you return your pledge form. You will then receive a reminder in accordance with your indicated installment schedule.

Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)

This can be arranged through your bank or by clicking here.

Gifts of Cash

Checks can be made payable to Holy Family Home. Please send checks to The Holy Family Home Campaign Office PO Box 71224 Philadelphia, PA 19176. Please complete and return your pledge form along with your check. Please do not send cash through the mail.

Matching Gifts

Would you like to double your gift? Numerous companies will match gifts to the Building to Serve in Love Campaign. Please contact your employer to verify and receive more information about their matching gift program.

Gifts of Securities

A gift of appreciated securities is one way to make a significant contribution at a reduced cost to you. Federal tax laws allow a charitable deduction for the full market value of securities on the date of your gift. To make your gift of appreciated securities, contact us at 215-587-5650 or at

Planned Gifts

Planned giving integrates personal, financial, and estate planning goals with lifetime or testamentary charitable giving. For more information about making a planned gift to the campaign, contact us at 215-587-5650 or at

The Building to Serve in Love Campaign is powered by The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia, an independent, nonprofit community foundation. All gifts to the campaign are restricted solely for the use of the Little Sisters of the Poor-Holy Family Home and this rebuild project and are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.